Advantages Of ECommerce Over Offline/Brick-And-Mortar Business

E-commerce is essentially a technical term that is used for buying and selling of products and services through the channels of electronic media, including smartphones, tablets, laptops and PCs. With time, the technologies related to e-commerce have evolved to attain greater heights. Today, an e-commerce web design company in Mumbai can offer you a whole shop that is run online and includes all the advanced features and technologies including online shopping carts, SSL encrypted payment security and other features.

E-commerce offers a number of advantages over the offline business. Some of these include:

Saving of cost

An e-commerce web portal only requires nominal of expenses over the other brick-and-mortar stores. An e-commerce store also saves time for the customers as they can easily purchase any product online and do not have to incur fuel expenses, which offline shopping does require.

Saving of time

The e-commerce business can be run in a very fast and expeditious manner. It does not require maintenance like the offline stores do, which helps in saving of time and cost. Customers can also purchase a product from an online store in a jiffy and can save lots of time that they spend while offline shopping.

All details of transaction are well maintained

Even the smallest of transactions are well maintained in their online documented forms when the transaction has taken place on the internet.

Global reach

An online e-commerce web portal can serve to customers from across the globe when the site is created by an expert e-commerce web design company in Mumbai. It adds greater amounts of revenue to any business and provides it international recognition as well.

Any number of customers can be simultaneously attended

A well-created business website serves any number of customers at a given moment in time. There are no bounds and restrictions in this case. Offline stores can only attend to a given number of customers, at any point in time.

Greater discounts for the customers

An online business store helps a company in saving costs related to the distributor, supplier or dealership networks. It also helps a company to have reduced inventory and warehousing costs. The company can well distribute its greater profits to its customers in the form of discounts and special offers. This is also one of the reasons why the online stores are getting increasingly popular day by day.


An online web portal can also affiliate itself to other leading business portals, and offer other relevant products that may be of interest to the customers.

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